Students of Paramount Public School attended a two days Scouts and Guides workshop. The workshop was held at NST Academy on the 25th and 26th of February. During the workshop, the participants were prepared for Pravesh and Prathama Sopan written test.
They enjoyed a sing-song session and learned all the songs of the All Faith Prayer. After the sing-song session, the scouts had their Pratham Sopan written test. The scouts also had oral tests wherein items like scout prayer songs, flag songs, national anthem, scout law and scout promise were taught and tested by the officials. After the lively test, the scouts had some thrilling games. They participated in adventure games like Crossing the Hurdles and Rope Climbing.
The most exciting part of this workshop was Trekking to a small hill on the second day. The workshop ended on a positive note, where scouts and guides not only learned new things but also enjoyed them to their fullest.