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Paramount Curriculum

Paramount curriculum is meticulously designed to inspire new ideas and ignite curiosity in our students. Paramount is affiliated to CBSE board which is tailored with a multidimensional child-centric approach, both interactive and pragmatic. Our curriculum, both in terms of content & methodology, is 21st century relevant and meets the highest learning standards. It comprises of a dynamic and colourful potpourri of academics, sports, theatre, visual and performing arts. We nurture children to be confident, have independent thought processes and have a never-ending urge for learning.


We place great emphasis on Kindergarten and Elementary Education believing that the foundation of life is laid in these formative years. The innovative child-centric approach helps
us to understand and nurture the child’s capacity of concentration, emory, observation, reasoning,
judgement and creativity. 


Our Primary Curriculum is well aligned with the recommendations of CBSE. It incorporates all elements of academic interests that cater to the challenging requirements of the contemporary and future educational needs. Our focus is to make learning purposeful and progressive in a planned manner and equip our learners with a repertoire of skills and a positive attitude so as to make them successful citizens in a globally competitive society.


As students progress through the secondary classes,we expect them to become increasingly independent learners with an interest in setting personal academic goals. Regular testing provides our students with self-discipline and confidence to handle more advanced tasks.
We equip our students with skillset required for facing competitive exams. A healthy self-view and hunger for excellence keep them motivated at all times.

Early Years Education

Early Years Education in TWS is about creating a safe and emotionally warm environment to the children through fun and engaging activities. Playtime is an important opportunity to aquire social, reasoning, motor and cognitive skills. Children have the freedom to explore and learn within and outside the classrooms.

Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood

We strongly believe that Early Years Education is the foundation for the child ‘s lifelong learning.

Our experienced teachers have designed meaningful activities and games that make learning fun and enjoyable for our young children. The curriculum is based on personalized learning to nurture holistic child development.

Teaching Methodology

Class Teaching

Courses for students at all levels are clearly structured to enable students and teachers to clearly know what the learning outcomes should be. Teachers expose a student to one concept at a time. To ensure that the student has absorbed the concept thoroughly the TWC Point System® has been designed. Lessons will alternate between oral, individual and group work in a manner that ensures that students remain “switched on “and focused.

Students engage in regular assessment using exams that teachers do not see in advance. Accordingly, students learn more in class and have more time for relaxation and fun after school. The school follows a “no homework “policy till Grade 4.

Student Follow-up

Students who fall behind in their work are advised, motivated, helped, and mentored until they catch up. As long as they manage their own time successfully, students’ time is theirs. Need based time to time help is given to each student.

Learning Process

All courses at TWS are structured.

A system of academic tracking – the TWC AMS (Academic Monitoring System), a scientific method of detecting gaps in knowledge – allows the resource team to closely follow the progress of each individual.

Gaps are pinpointed as soon as they are noticed, and efforts are focused on eliminating them. Valuable time is saved and a gap-free, cohesive structure of knowledge is built in students’ minds.


The Student Life Team® at TWS works hand in hand with the staff as one team.

Members of the TWS SLT are appointed by the administration for their competence rather than elected by the students based on popularity.

SLT® seeks to

SLT membership is open to students of Grade 5 and beyond

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